Triathlon Gold - Simon Whitfield, Jan Frodeno, Hamish Carter & Alistair Brownlee
Episode 179 - Triathlon Gold - Simon Whitfield, Jan Frodeno, Hamish Carter & Alistair Brownlee
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"The Greg Bennett Show"
In this episode of One Moment Longer with Greg Bennett, I am joined by Simon Whitfield, Jan Frodeno, Hamish Carter & Alistair Brownlee. I wanted to re-share this epic episode from July 23, 2021 (episode #82)
If you’re like me, you’ve loved the Olympics since you can remember. I’ve always enjoyed watching the best in the world battle it out on the big stage ... none more so than the sport of Triathlon. I’ve always wondered what it takes to win on that special day, and what it must feel like crossing that finish line knowing that you are the Olympic champion, and how does that heavy medal affect the rest of your life?
In this episode I have all of Triathlons men’s gold medalists on the show. Five Gold and one Silver between the four of them. Simon Whitfield, Hamish Carter, Jan Frodeno, and Alistair Brownlee.
Men that I have raced and trained with, men that have conquered the world, and have been heroes to their respective countries. All of them I admire and would call mates, the best men you could ever share a beer with ... all-around top blokes.
They’ve all been on the show at least once. You can find their past episodes on your podcast app of choice.
But never have they all been together on the one show. I’m feeling very honored that they have all agreed to come on, and amazed that we were able to coordinate times from all corners of the world.
In this episode, each of the Olympic Champions shares their stories, what they were thinking the days leading into the race? What was going through their head at the pivotal moment of the race? When did they feel like they had it won and what was the initial feeling they each had as they crossed the line knowing they were the Olympic Champion. Jan Frodeno's answer will make you laugh. They each describe how the Gold medal has affected their lives. Their answers may surprise you.
This has to be one of the greatest podcast episodes ever. What a thrill it was for me to chat with all of these champions.
13:09 - What were the emotions and feelings for each of these professional athletes 10 days out from their own Olympics campaign?
You need to calm down and trust the work you've done
18:43 - Jan Frodeno describes his pre Olympic campaign and how he was thinking 10 days prior to racing. Dreams do come true.
Letting go, and letting the race happen
22:51 - Alistair competed in London and The Rio Olympics and describes how he approached both start-lines. Alistair went into London as the key favourite, with an enormous amount of pressure and self belief.
27:39 - Simon Whitfield describes his pre-race prep for the 2000 Sydney Olympics and the emotion of running down Macquarie Street towards the finish line.
I wasn't there to win, I was there to perform
29:41 - The 4 lads explain the final sprints and how they each found something deeper towards the finish line. The simple fact, they all trained heavily for a sprint finish and were prepared.
This was the moment that I trained for
48:23 - How did winning a gold medal at an Olympics affect each of their lives?
You don't know how to feel
1:06:04 - As this is a repeat episode we finish with the lads predictions for the Tokyo Olympic Games. Remembering that these were held in the middle of the COVID pandemic with no crowds. In hindsight, were the boys close in each of their predictions?
If it comes down to a sprint, don't go too early, and don't go too late
1:22:18 - Interview concludes.
Be sure and check out bennettendurance.com
Find Greg on social media:
Twitter @GregBennett1
Instagram @GregBennettWorld
And follow the lads:
Simon Whitfield:
website: https://www.simonwhitfield.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonwhitfield
Alistair Brownlee:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AliBrownleetri
Jan Frodeno:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janfrodeno/?hl=en
Bennett Endurance is a high-performance consulting business for athletes of all ages and abilities and non-athletes wanting to optimize their performances, health, wellbeing, and longevity.
With a combined 50 years of racing as professional athletes, 30 years as coaches and 30 years as athlete managers, Bennett Endurance has the knowledge, experience, and professionalism for intimate one-to-one, small group consultations, and mastermind groups. Helping you thrive and to live your high-performance life. Find out more >
Passion and Purpose. Greg Bennett is driven and cares deeply about optimizing and living a high-performance life. His passion will cause others to be inspired to optimize their own lives. Greg visibly enjoys entertaining his audience with incredible stories of finding his passion, aligning that passion with his strengths, and taking control of his own life. Be ready to be inspired and entertained. You will leave with the tools and tactics to go live your own high-performance life. Find out more >
An interview podcast show hosted by Greg Bennett. Greg interviews the world’s greatest Athletes, Entrepreneur’s and Executives diving deep into each guest’s life. Probing questions into each guests’ passions, strengths, sleep patterns, teams, nutrition, and everything else in between. These interviews are entertaining, inspiring, and educational. The lessons learned will give you the tools and tactics to optimize your life so you can live your High-performance life. Find out more >
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Bennett Endurance collaborated with the best brands and products throughout their professional athletic careers. They continue to search for products that will help optimize their lives and recommend these products to their clients. Find out more >