Hamish Carter - Triathlon Olympic Champion - High-Performance Consultant
Episode 25 - Hamish Carter - Triathlon Olympic Champion - High-Performance Consultant
See below for Deals and Coupon Codes, Show notes, Timestamps, and Links
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Show notes
In this episode of BE with Champions, Greg Bennett chats with Olympic and World Champion Triathlete Hamish Carter.
Together Greg and Hamish discuss how The importance of learning from disappointments. For Hamish, this was his first Olympic Games, the Sydney Olympics.
Hamish describes how he had to change as a person if he wanted to become the Olympic Champion.
Hamish describes how he adapted to Triathlon from Rowing in the early '90s reasonably quickly. After only a few years in the sport of Triathlon, he was winning and on the podium of World Cups (the biggest events in the world at the time). He was consistent all the way up to the Sydney Olympics and was a favorite for a medal. He figured the medals would go to the most deserved athletes and was in shock when Simon Whitfield seems to come from nowhere to take Gold. Hamish finished a .disappointing 26th. He can't believe his poor attitude at the time and says it was then that he needed to change.
Hamish describes that performance at Sydney, as the most important performance of his career. He learned more from that disappointment than any of his wins. It was the learning and the changes he made to himself after this race that he is most proud of.
In order to be great and do something special, Hamish needed to focus only on what he could control, he describes how he couldn't control others so focussing on the result was useless he could only control his process.
Hamish describes the Athens Olympics as almost clinical and technical with little to no emotion. In fact, he says that it wasn't until he crossed the line as the Olympic Champion that he thought it would be nice to win the race and then realized he had won.
If there was ever a great illustration of the journey and the process being the critical point in success, it is this conversation with Hamish. Check below for the timestamps and some great quotes.
8.50 – Varying roles post-career as a professional Triathlete – now with Triathlon New Zealand as performance director
10.30 – How has the sport changed in the last 15 years. The same but it's so different. Technology and philosophies have changed. The fundamentals of performing under pressure haven’t changed.
14.00 – Mates created throughout the sport
15.00 – New Zealand athletes performing on the world stage – delivering when expected
17.00 – Looking back - schoolboy rower – Gave Triathlon a go at 21 – loved the challenge
19.25 – Got full-on into Triathlon ’91, ‘92
20 – How the sport has changed – “The wild west!” – The early era – uncut and pretty raw
21.30 – Hamish learning to manage himself
23.00 – Quick progress into professional Triathlete from rowing
26.00 – The most consistent athlete
28.00 – The disappointment of the Sydney Olympics - “Success is found far more in the disappointment of failure”. “What I learned from Sydney was I had the whole thing around the wrong way, it’s not what was delivered on the day it was much more about how they delivered themselves to the start line”. “Success comes downs to a. your preparation and b. also who you are as a person”
31.30 – “Growth and development comes through the challenge – the greater the challenge the greater the growth and development” – own the disappointments don’t blame others.
33.20 – What is the “right person”? Curious, skilled learner, great filter.
35.45 – Preparation - What do you do the 7-8 years - “Olympic champions aren’t special people they just deliver something special on a given day”.
38.00 – I thought everything could be controlled. Embracing all emotions.
39.40 – I didn’t think Simon Whitfield deserved to be Olympic champion – who was I thinking this. I was the wrong type of person.
41.40 – Self-reflection – “Can you see how ridiculous it sounds - You need to follow my prerequisites to be Olympic Champion.”
43.50 – The Athens Olympics
44.00 – Bronze medal at commonwealth games, and what Hamish learned
45.20 – Madiera World Championships – A step back – but I great shock watching Bevan win – I used it to grow.
46.00 - “I came to the realization that my Olympic performance in Athens was going to have nothing to do with the result because I realized that I couldn’t control the result, I couldn’t control the other 55 guys on the startline – I let go of the result and focused on the process and being the fittest person on the startline”.
47.45 - “I wasn’t training to win a race I was training to be better prepared than everyone else”
48.20 – Figure out what can you control and focus on those
48.30 – Athens Olympics a totally different approach - “Nothing else matters, the only thing that matters on the startline is how well prepared are you”
50.40 – “You and I both know I have control of the result today” It becomes a focus on performance what can I control. Technical and clinical.
52.20 - “It’s not being successful that really counts it’s when we trip up and make mistakes and develop and grow that matters most”
53.40 – Athens Olympics – Bevan Docherty and I are left. “A medal hadn’t crossed my mind”, I was focused on the delivery of performance
56.00 – Shifting the finish line – It’s all about the preparation and focusing on the things you can control
57.00 – Greg discusses quietening the mind and being present
59.10 – Respect between the athletes
1.00.35 – How things changed after the Olympics – If you put your head up too high people want to cut it off – striving to go beyond where you’ve been before
1.05.40 – Adulation and Isolation – Car Mechanic story – an unexpected consequence
1.10.50 – Transitioning to corporate life from being an athlete – be open to learning and be curious
1.15.30 – High-Performance sport where is it and where is it going? Develop an athlete and the person – Attributes of success
1.20.00 – Involvement with coach and athletes
1.21.00 – Adapting and learning
1.24.00 – Where is Triathlon headed? Mixed relay
1.26.15 – Handling the pressure of team racing
1.27.40 – Going beyond sport – Corporate and high performing teams
1.33.50 – Act don’t simply listen – applied learning
Be sure and check out bennettendurance.com
Find Greg on social media:
Twitter @GregBennett1
Instagram @GregBennettWorld
And check out Hamish Carter
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carterhamish/
Bennett Endurance is a high-performance consulting business for athletes of all ages and abilities and non-athletes wanting to optimize their performances, health, wellbeing, and longevity.
With a combined 50 years of racing as professional athletes, 30 years as coaches and 30 years as athlete managers, Bennett Endurance has the knowledge, experience, and professionalism for intimate one-to-one, small group consultations, and mastermind groups. Helping you thrive and to live your high-performance life. Find out more >
Passion and Purpose. Greg Bennett is driven and cares deeply about optimizing and living a high-performance life. His passion will cause others to be inspired to optimize their own lives. Greg visibly enjoys entertaining his audience with incredible stories of finding his passion, aligning that passion with his strengths, and taking control of his own life. Be ready to be inspired and entertained. You will leave with the tools and tactics to go live your own high-performance life. Find out more >
An interview podcast show hosted by Greg Bennett. Greg interviews the world’s greatest Athletes, Entrepreneur’s and Executives diving deep into each guest’s life. Probing questions into each guests’ passions, strengths, sleep patterns, teams, nutrition, and everything else in between. These interviews are entertaining, inspiring, and educational. The lessons learned will give you the tools and tactics to optimize your life so you can live your High-performance life. Find out more >
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