Dr. Tommy Wood - University of Washington Research Assistant Professor
Episode 151: Dr. Tommy Wood - University of Washington Research Assistant Professor
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"The Greg Bennett Show"
Show notes
In this episode of The Greg Bennett Show, Greg chats with Dr. Tommy Wood.
Greg and Dr. Tommy discuss the effects of exercise on the brain, and how your mind can impact your physiology. They discuss longevity and what age we can expect to live to. Dr. Tommy gives advice on how we all can improve cognitive function, and what we can do to reduce the chances of demntia and alziemers.
Dr. Tommy Wood received his bachelor's degree in biochemistry from the University of Cambridge, a medical degree from the University of Oxford, and a Ph.D. in physiology and neuroscience from the University of Oslo.
He’s currently the assistant professor of pediatrics and neuroscience at the University of Washington. His research program focuses on factors associated with brain health and function across lifespan.
Add to that, he competes in Powerlifting and Cross fit and understands the benefits of physical activity for metabolic health.
2:12 - Interview with Dr. Tommy Wood begins
4:02 - Is it better to work out in the morning, or afternoon?
5:38 - Where did Dr. Tommy Wood's interest in brian health all begin?
10:09 - Have you found that there are some exercise that positively effects cognitive function?
13:23 - Dr. Tommy explains how important it is that we stimulate the tissue. Demand function coupling refers to the function of the tissue is dependent of the demands that you put on it. You need to stress the system and then give it a period of rest and recovery in order for it to get stronger.
It's the same process in muscle tissue, and the same in brain tissue.
We need to stimulate the tissue
17:40 - What are the best ways to train the brain? What activities can we do to stimulate the brain tissue?
23:45 - There have been studies completed that look at aerobic type exercise in or around a learning task which shows us how the brain responds after exercise. People who are fitter, had better results in the memory tasks.
Lactacte is a very good fuel for the brain
31:46 - At what point does exercise not help your brain? Overtraining or an exhausting session or strong race performance can diminish your cognitive function. Dr. Tommy describes the research and the particular situations where this occurs.
35:21 - How do extreme heat and cold therapies affect the brain. Which sauna is better, Infrared, or coals?
41:52 - Dr. Tommy explains how our brain affects our physiology?
What you think directly affects your physiology
46:42 - Dr. Tommy and Greg discuss the studies around sleep and the benefits of sleep tracking long-term.
50:26 - What are some of the tools that we can use to better optimize our brain-to-physical performance?
55:05 - The lads change tact here and discuss longevity. If you wanna live to 150y/o, then Dr. Tommy Wood shares his view and opinion as to whether this is possible.
The are two completely opposing views in regard to longevity
1:01:18 - What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
1:04:08 - What is the best advice you would give to someone to help them optimize their life?
1:08:46 - Interview concludes
Be sure and check out bennettendurance.com
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And check out Dr. Tommy Wood
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drtommywood/
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