Dr. Ted Forcum - Portland Winterhawks Hockey Team Chiropractor
Episode 123 - Dr. Ted Forcum
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Show notes (please see Timestamps below for more detail)
Dr. Forcum is the team chiropractor for the Portland Winterhawks of the Western Hockey League. He was selected as a member of the medical staff for Team U.S.A. during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. He also served on the medical staff at the 2015 USA Track and Field World Championships Training Camp and 2007 Rio de Janeiro US Pan American Games. He has worked as an event physician for such events as the U.S Track and Field Olympic Trials, U.S Track and Field National Championships, U.S. Taekwondo Championships, US Triathlon National Championships, World Veteran’s Games, Nike World Masters Games, US Soccer Festival, World Canoe/Kayak Championships and US Figure Skating Championships.
Dr. Ted Forcum treats injuries and optimizes function by integrating multiple modalities of care with chiropractic treatment to optimize patient response. Dr. Forcum combines therapies such as osseous and soft tissue manipulation, soft tissue therapy, kinesiology taping, physiotherapy, corrective exercises, and biomechanical orthotics to maximize healing and accelerate the return of patients to their highest level of ability.
Dr. Forcum applies decades of experience working with world-class athletes and complicated injuries to gain control of the most difficult cases and help patients attain their goals.
He’s a Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians, and a Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Rehabilitation Board. He ‘s a Certified Kinesiotape Practitioner, Graston Technique Certified, Certified Exercise Specialist, Performance Exercise Specialist, and is a Registered Trigenics Practitioner.
He teaches postgraduate programs on rehabilitation, soft tissue treatment, sports injuries and the biomechanics. He is the author of the chapter on the Leg, Ankle and Foot in the text Conservative Management of Athletic Injuries, first and second editions.
See the timestamps below for more detail.
0:00 - Introduction to show.
1:43 - Interview starts
5:39 - Dr. Forcum has worked with so many of the biggest NIKE stars.
Book: Shoe Dog by Phil Knight - A memoir by the creator of NIKE.
9:46 - Dr. Ted rewinds the clock and explains his journey into sports rehabilitation and his chiropractic career.
18:32 - Dr. Ted Forcum has had his 'hands' on many of the World's greats in the sport of track and field. He describes the differences, the traits, and what they have in common, and what makes them great athletes from his perspective.
22:24 - On the topic of recovery, Dr. Ted believes they are 'born & made'. The great athletes are the ones who don't get in their own way. They learn quickly from the mistakes they make and move on quickly.
29:45 - As a chiropractor, Dr. Ted explains how much of his work is prevention, versus how much is treatment.
39:09 - Dr Ted turns the table and asks Greg what lessons he has taken from his Pro career, into parenting his children.
42:06 - Maximizing your immune and gaining better sleep is always a hot topic for elite athletes. Greg and Dr. Forcum discuss PEMF devices and the benefits. PEMF stands for Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Fields and PEMFs are magnetic fields that change with time, or sometimes called time varying magnetic fields. Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) therapy uses technology to stimulate and exercise cells to help resolve cellular dysfunction and to support overall wellness. PEMF is natural and all around us in the Earth’s Geomagnetic fields and Schumann resonances.
46:50 - The recovery discussion evolves here to Dry Saunas, Ice baths, Foam Rolling and generally finding time to recover and heal during our busy lives.
49:40 - There is some amazing technology out now that aids in the recovery and enhancement of sports performance, however Dr. Ted brings it back to basics and explains some of the easy and accessible recovery tips that he has found to give the best outcomes.
1:05:04 - Dr. Ted explains what is coming up in his 2022 calendar. The Prefontaine Track Classic.
01:09:32 - Interview ends.
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Find Dr. Ted Forcum on social media:
Website: http://www.drforcum.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ted-forcum
twitter: https://twitter.com/tedforcum
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drforcum
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