Dan Lorang - Multiple Ironman World Champion Coach, Head Coach at Bora-Hansgrohe pro-cycling team
Episode 31 - Dan Lorang - Multiple Ironman World Champion Coach, Head Coach at Bora-Hansgrohe pro-cycling team
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Show notes
In this episode of BE with Champions, Greg Bennett chats with Dan Lorang, Dan Lorang - Multiple Ironman World Champion Coach, Head Coach, and head of innovation at the Bora-Hansgrohe pro-cycling team.
Together Greg and Dan discuss Dan's involvement in the Bora-Hansgrohe professional cycling team head coach and head of innovation. What those roles are specific to the team and how Dan got to these roles. As the head of innovation, Dan is fielding interested parties and their ideas for the team. Some suggestions are great and others he lets go. Dan also spends his time looking for new theories and ideas to help his team of cyclists. Most recently Dan has been looking into Ketones, body core temperature measurements, and neurostimulation for recovery.
Dan describes the overwhelming joy of having both his athletes Anne Haug and Jan Frodeno take their respective Ironman World Titles in 2019. And the pressure he felt when Olympic Champion Jan Frodeno asked him to coach him at the end of 2012.
The physical training programs of Dan follow as a basic structure of a Vo2 block, followed by a strength and endurance block and then a specific block. The length of each depend on the athlete. Each athlete will cycle back through this program several times throughout the year. Prior to working with any athlete, Dan does a metabolic assessment to determine an athlete's strengths and weaknesses. Dan refuses to use races as part of a training plan. When his athletes go to race they race... it is never training.
Dan describes the role of the coach as someone who needs to control (in a good way) all the various variables around an athlete. The athlete's team of nutritionists, psychologists and managers all need to be on the same page, and it's up to the coach to coordinate.
Finally, Dan gives his thoughts on the Tour De France and the economy of cycling as a whole. He suggests that if the Tour de France is not on in 2020, that could be the end of many teams and potentially cycling as a sport.
4.30 - Introduction
5.15 – Cycling events have been started – Bora Hansgrohe have had wins
6.00 – Travelling with the team only during the Tour De France
7.15 – Head of Innovation – What it means? Bringing new ideas and “stuff” to the team
8.40 – Ketone, Body Core temperature, Neurostimulation for recovery
11.50 – Choosing the riders for specific testing of new products
14.20 – Difference between Cycling and Triathlon in embracing new ideas
17.30 – “Focus on the basics”
20.20 – The incredible success of Oct 12, 2019 – what it felt like that – Jan Frodeno for the past 8 years and Anne Haug for 18 years both won the World Championships
23.30 – Sarah True and overheating - Body Core temperature company saw the meltdown and contacted day
28.20 – When Dan found his passion for Sports Science
32.20 – Dan’s key influences - mostly from the athletes – Working with Jan Frodeno was the first time Dan felt pressure – Anne Haug and Doctors in Munich - Its best to speak to people not simply read
37.15 – Meeting and working with Jan Frodeno – Dan sent him home because he’s sick
42.30 – Dan’s thoughts on Jan Frodeno – “I couldn’t tell from the data that Jan would be a clear a champion, he had to do a lot of work” – “But he could do long blocks of training”
46.00 – Dan’s role to ground Jan’s “emotional explosions”
48.20 – When did Dan know that Jan could win Kona Ironman World Championships
51.00 – Working with Jan remotely – it was a decision of Jan to stay with Dan and work remotely
53.00 – Dan’s strength as a coach “What I can do really well is feel what other people are feeling. I can look at an athlete’s data file and sense what they were feeling”.
54.45 – How the coaches work with all 27 cyclists in the professional cycling team – A coach is given to an athlete depending on personalities – An athlete must use the team coach
58.45 – Dan is in demand from athletes to coach them
1.01.00 – What a Physical Training program looks like – first we take a metabolic profile and consider the ability to swim and bike and run. – “My athletes don’t race often because we don’t use races as training – we go to Vo2 block, strength and endurance block and then specific block and we repeat this throughout the year” – We go short to long in our training
1.05.05 – Coming back from breaks (2 weeks off then 2 weeks “fit for fun”), - “we can start earlier with the bike than the run and then on the run we start with hills to avoid the impact.”
1.08.00 – Vo2 max ideally is around 20mins of work – but you need to build to this – Anaerobic work verse Vo2 max
1.11.00 – The different types of long workouts
1.12.50 – Improving the bike in his athletes – what is the core of improvements? Specific roller training and loads of work. A lot of work and a lot of suffering. “In the end, it’s not the most sexiest training that has the most biggest impact most often the training is quite standard”
1.17.30 – Bike fits for Jan Frodeno
1.18.30 – Dan’s involvement with each athlete-specific for each race “It's just a rough plan, the athlete brings in their experience”
1.20.30 – Anne Haug “I want to win” “Better to blow up and go for the win and dare to come 5th”
1.22.10 – Mental Strategies for the athletes – Jan talks to herself and Anne just hits a state of flow… two different approaches. The coach needs to have an idea.
1.26.40 – Dan’s involvement with Nutrition – I like to know what they’re doing but I let them work on the own – the coach needs to control (control in a good way) all the moving people and the team
1.29.20 – Gear recommendations – “training is stress for the body” “adapt your training and your body to the stress” “Focus on sleep and recovery” “Training will be more enjoyable if you can reduce the stress in your life”
1.32.20 – Thoughts on Tour De France “It could be the end of cycling if the Tour doesn’t take place” – “Sports economy is an economy within itself”
1.35.40 – Conclusion
Be sure and check out bennettendurance.com
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Twitter @GregBennett1
Instagram @GregBennettWorld
And check out Dan Lorang
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Danlorang
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danlorang/
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Passion and Purpose. Greg Bennett is driven and cares deeply about optimizing and living a high-performance life. His passion will cause others to be inspired to optimize their own lives. Greg visibly enjoys entertaining his audience with incredible stories of finding his passion, aligning that passion with his strengths, and taking control of his own life. Be ready to be inspired and entertained. You will leave with the tools and tactics to go live your own high-performance life. Find out more >
An interview podcast show hosted by Greg Bennett. Greg interviews the world’s greatest Athletes, Entrepreneur’s and Executives diving deep into each guest’s life. Probing questions into each guests’ passions, strengths, sleep patterns, teams, nutrition, and everything else in between. These interviews are entertaining, inspiring, and educational. The lessons learned will give you the tools and tactics to optimize your life so you can live your High-performance life. Find out more >
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