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Ben Hoffman - Ironman Champion - Pro Triathlete

Writer's picture: Bennett EnduranceBennett Endurance

Ben Hoffman - Ironman Champion - Pro Triathlete

Episode 126 - Ben Hoffman - Ironman Champion & Pro Triathlete

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Show notes (please see Timestamps below for more detail)

Ben Hoffman has had a 2nd and two 4th’s at the Kona Ironman World Championships.

Ben has 8 Ironman Victories, 7 Ironman 70.3 wins and when he’s not winning he’s on the podium.

In this past month he had an incredible victory at IM Texas with a 7.57/ and 2.40 marathon and backed up 2 weeks later to come top 10 at the IM St.George World Championships.

He was last on the show in episode 46, Nov of 2020. If you haven’t listened to that one please go check it out, it’s a cracker.

Incredible insights and remarkable stories. See the timestamps below for more detail.


0.00 - Introduction to show

2:47 - Interview starts

7:48 - Ben explains his upcoming schedule. From The Escape from Alcatraz Tri, to some guiding for a visually impaired para-triathlete in France.

12:25 - Having some perspective on life as an elite athlete is important. Ben describes how he has relaxed and improved because of his perspective to be a better person, which in turn has brought out the best athlete in him.

15:15 - Ben explains in detail his recent Texas win. From how his mental state was going into the race, to the positive self-talk he employs, to the swim, bike and run strategies he had during the race ... right up to the final sprint.

33:52 - Two weeks later Ben was at The World Championships and backed it up with a top 10 at St.George with a 8.06. Ben definitely has 'The Champion Mindset'

41:28 - With his coach, Ryan Bolton, Ben explains how being 38 years old he is working with his team towards Kona 2022 to execute a race in peak physically state.

52:58 - Ben describes the changes he has seen over his years in triathlon, the good the bad and the ugly ...

1:00:31 - The boys conclude with some Rapid fire questions:

1. Best and worst subject at school?

2. What are you currently reading or watching? Barbarian Days - A Surfing Life (William Finnegan)

3. First car you owned.

4. Two most used apps on your phone?

5. What time of day are you most productive?

6. First job?

7. Summer or winter?

8. Who would you want to play a movie of your life?

9. Which decade of music is the best?

11. Where is somewhere you haven’t been, you’d like to go?

12. Greatest movie of all-time?

1:12:27 - Interview ends


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Bennett Endurance is a high-performance consulting business for athletes of all ages and abilities and non-athletes wanting to optimize their performances, health, wellbeing, and longevity.


With a combined 50 years of racing as professional athletes, 30 years as coaches, and 30 years as athlete managers, Bennett Endurance has the knowledge, experience, and professionalism for intimate one-to-one, small group consultations, and mastermind groups. Helping you thrive and to live your high-performance life. Find out more >


Passion and Purpose. Greg Bennett is driven and cares deeply about optimizing and living a high-performance life. His passion will cause others to be inspired to optimize their own lives. Greg visibly enjoys entertaining his audience with incredible stories of finding his passion, aligning that passion with his strengths, and taking control of his own life. Be ready to be inspired and entertained. You will leave with the tools and tactics to go live your own high-performance life. Find out more >


An interview podcast show hosted by Greg Bennett. Greg interviews the world’s greatest Athletes, Entrepreneur’s and Executives diving deep into each guest’s life. Probing questions into each guests’ passions, strengths, sleep patterns, teams, nutrition, and everything else in between. These interviews are entertaining, inspiring, and educational. The lessons learned will give you the tools and tactics to optimize your life so you can live your High-performance life. Find out more >

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Bennett Endurance collaborated with the best brands and products throughout their professional athletic careers. They continue to search for products that will help optimize their lives and recommend these products to their clients. Find out more >



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